Wednesday, June 09, 2010

White Wednesday!

I've been forgetting to post for White Wednesday!
 Life has kept me pretty busy lately,
so I haven't spent much time blogging!

Here are some recent treasures that I've acquired.
Enjoy and don't forget to go over and check out the rest
of the White Wednesday participants!

My husband brought these beautiful
 Garden Roses home for me this week!
They are so pretty and they smell as beautiful as they look!
I bought this vintage sugar canister from my friend Alice
a few weeks ago and started selling these Jar Dispensers
in my shop last month.
I cozied up my bathtub a bit with this old wooden bench
 that I found at a local consignment shop.
I bought this AMAZING vintage street sign from Alice
(...who knew when she brought it in that I would buy it)!

I got this amazing vintage doctor's cabinet
 from Gerry at The Barn.
He was kind enough to let me carry it home...
even though it's still on layaway!
These items sit on top of my (very dusty) refridgerator.
I found this cute little mailbox at a consignment shop.
It was very blue, but I painted it white! 
 I purchased this adorable window message board (chicken wire)
from Alice as well.
I bought some miniature clothespins
 and I'm planning to hang vintage photos on it.
 This old enamel tub keeps my books organized and
sits on top of a vintage suitcase.

These items can be found in my bedroom.
I thought they added some romance! 
Below, you will find two of my favorite things in the world....
Starbucks and my sweet Bailey : )
Enjoy the rest of your week!!!


  1. Love all your white treasures, especially the vintage doctor's awesome!

  2. Just wanted to let you know that I spent some time in your shop this past weekend. I LOVED IT!!!!

  3. Just stopped by from the where bloggers create party? Love all the white. Have a great week.

  4. What a wonderful creative space!

    I adore your storage solutions. You have inspired me to work on my own crafting paradise.

  5. i absolutely love your white workspace!! its fabulous : ) i came across your blog via the bloggers create party!

  6. What a darling work space! Love all the vintage white!
    Best wishes,

  7. I love that everything is painted white...such a beautiful space! TFS!!!


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